Pao口下的玫瑰岛六人手拉手的阵型被夫上司强迫中文是最激励人心的守护者联盟A true modern Neverland story 来自一位工程师的朴素的离岸平台理想最终也改变了国际公海领域离岸界定没想到近代史上还有这么天马行空的构想实施今天又有了这么一部电影就让它献给那样的60年代吧p.s. 打五星因为收尾太励志如果能听懂意大利语可能效果更好吧
The 90s over-the-top revisionist Bond, Lady M and "useful" bond girl. None of these were faults in themselves, of course. But it has become ever more blatant now that the me-too progressives are just gonna pretend these never happened and demand we need a "woke" Bond. Need more Judi Dench as M.