Two boys have shown a story about the childhood. The world of children is so simple but true. I was trying so hard to find the cure. Actually there was no cure. If you lay your hand on the boy again, I will kill you. What was the feeling for the sick boy's mother?
P1主要回顾默片/类型片P2回顾了每一次新技术带来的电影手法革新P3则探讨了影片的主题从历史的发展可以看出电影如何从最初的黑白默片单角度固定机位近/中景发展到有不同的高低镜头特写(used a lot by D.W Griffith),再到运动镜头带来新可能(镜头要不断变化不断运动)对比画面分割etc从历史的角度看视听语言的逐步丰富是令人惊叹的